PsychoPath is an open source XML Schema Aware XPath 2.0 Processor written in Java under the LGPL license. The main requirements for this project were design modularity and extendibility.

A large portion of the specification (as of 29/10/2004) has been implemented and tested. PsychoPath should be considered usable although performance issues have not yet been addressed and no optimizations in the implementation have been attempted.

News (10/02/09)

PsychoPath has been incorporated into Eclipse and will be maintained there. It is now integral part of the XSLT project. No more development and releases will be done here on Sourceforge - please use the version in Eclipse instead.

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Complete with source and external libs
Jar containing only PsychoPath's classes (no external libs)
Browse CVS


Currently documentation is quite lame...
You can download the tgz


Executive summary
Final report
Presentation given on 23/02/05

Hits since 02/02/2005: